Nature Quest

Crestone, Colorado

September 26 - October 4, 2024

Guided by Way of Nature Senior Guide, Brad Kahland, learn experiential practices to relax and access your higher awareness and insight while connecting one's Inner Nature with Outer Nature... supported by one of North America's most powerful and ancient sacred places, Crestone and the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in Colorado.   Register here or scroll down for more details.

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Reset & Healing  

Learn practices that open profound connections to Source Awareness, Inner and Outer Nature, and the Elements to activate self healing and release blockages.

Source Awareness & Liberation

Strengthen and refine your senses through training in the 9 Perceptual Fields of Awareness and in deepening the process of experiential connection.

Deepen Connection to Outer Nature

Way of Nature emphasizes a path profoundly committed to healing our human relationships with Nature and Gaia.

Join us for this Nature Quest retreat which includes our unique WoN Awareness Cultivation Process 

Source Awareness Training 

Awareness Training will prepare you for your 3 day AllOne time nature solo and also help you reintegrate upon your return.

This program will teach you how to come into a deep state of relaxation while simultaneously cultivating a profound experience of Presence. You will learn powerful and practical ways to transmute old patterns and habits. The core of these teachings are based on WoN's universal Twelve Guiding Principles of Natural Liberation: a direct path to Source Awareness that honors the essence of all the world’s great liberating traditions. 

Each morning we will begin our day practicing Qigong and meditation, which will support the release of blockages stored within your mind and body and bring you into a more unified state with all that surrounds you. 

AllOne Time Solo 

AllOne time gives you the opportunity to integrate the Awareness Training practices with the support of solitude in wild Nature.

Towering above our solo camps are five 14,000-foot summits that watch over you with majestic grace. Lovely groves of large ponderosas, aspen and cottonwood line the mountain streams, with neighboring forests of juniper and pinyon pine. You will share the land with mule deer, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, pronghorn antelope and beautiful black fox squirrels. Bird life abounds and Eagles circle above. A large, beautiful stream flows for more than a mile across our private, protected land where we do Sacred Passage. The stream flows crystal clear and provides superb, revitalizing drinking water for all of us.

Native peoples trace back their vision quests and sacred ceremonies here for over 15,000 years.  In the late 1970's, WoN founder John P. Milton moved to Crestone and was the initial discoverer of an estimated 2,000 ancient stone meditation seats scattered among the Sacred Land Sanctuary.  These special sites continue to be used for vision questing, ceremony and prayer.  Those who journey here feel the powerful joy and opening of Spirit that these cherished surroundings offer. 

When you do WoN Nature Quest, you join those who have entered the Sacred Way on this land over many thousands of years... you become part of that great lineage of the Land!


Exact dates of training and AllOne Time subject to change based on weather and preparedness of participants.

(September 25: option to arrive one day early for training in camping skills and wilderness travel, and visit a local hot spring.)

September 26: Arrive at basecamp. Set up your tent. Dinner with the group.

September 27-28: Awareness Training

Sept 29 - Oct 2: AllOne Time solo at chosen site within Sacred Land Sanctuary

October 2-3: Re-entry and Integration training

October 4: Departure


Our 210-acre base camp, the Sacred Land Sanctuary, is located just outside of the town of Crestone, and is centered in one of North America's most sacred areas. This land has been used for vision quests, meditation, prayer and spiritual ceremony for millennia.

The base camp offers shaded camping, clear water from the nearby stream, and a simple cooking facility.

Participants are encouraged to camp at the Sacred Land Sanctuary base camp during the Awareness and Reintegration training.

There are also several AirBnB options available in Crestone.

Program Registration 

Cost: $1800 USD Nature Quest and Awareness Training tuition fee

Guide & Teacher: Brad Kahland, Senior Guide with Way of Nature

The Sacred Land is calling

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