The John P. Milton
Legacy Project

To Ensure the Lasting Impact of
The Way of Nature and the Life of John P. Milton

 The Way of Nature community is excited to invite the participation of long-time friends, partners, allies and students of John P. Milton as we begin to manifest the Legacy Project - the sharing of the Way of Nature teachings and sacred initiatives on a global level, intertwined with the sharing of John’s amazing life story.

Potential for massive change is not merely in the air - it is already a rising tide which may flow either into channels of transformative healing or into the already dangerous extraction/domination paradigm by which humanity has devastated the world of Nature. We now confront the evolutionary necessity of a quantum leap in human consciousness - and the Way of Nature teachings are an essential factor in that dynamic.

The urgency of this moment also gives us a precious opportunity to ensure that the wisdom of the Way of Nature is given a durable foundation, so that it may not only help heal the world in our current crisis but may be passed to future generations.

Our ultimate goal with the Legacy Project is to ensure the enormously rich dharmic potential of John P. Milton’s unique life and powerful teachings are fully manifested and preserved for generations to come.

The tremendous power of John’s story - the unique blend of Master Teacher, adventurer, activist, explorer, mystic, scholar, and shaman - is an enormous asset, an astounding adventure to share with the world. It is a story which has the potential to spread the Way of Nature teachings worldwide as only a great and gripping story can.

This is the mission of The Legacy Project - a mission whose beauty inspires us while the global crisis lights a fire of urgency for its immediate manifestation.


“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the  essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not,  when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” 

- Henry David Thoreau, “Walden” 

Phase 1 of The John P. Milton Legacy Project envisions a compelling new biography of John P. Milton and a high-level, widely-seen documentary series. 

Phase 2 will feature a globally broadcast worldwide live and streaming concert of popular artists and performers. 

Phase 3 will begin the establishment of the Way of Nature Academy for Natural Liberation anchored in the pristine haven of Crestone, Colorado, and available to the world via a virtual platform. The Academy will provide training for Way Sharers who will guide future students of the Way of Nature teachings. 

The Sacred Land Sanctuary established in Crestone, Colorado by John over 40 years ago will continue to serve as a prime example of honoring Nature as the True Temple. 

The Way of Nature Lineage Holders are those longtime students and visionaries who are poised to carry forward the newly empowered Legacy as the Way Sharers (teachers and guides) for future generations.

“By immersing in wild Nature – Nature that has not been heavily disturbed and  damaged – you begin to tap back into the primal harmony that is your genetic inheritance. You return to a primordial church, an ancient natural temple that  provides amazing healing power. The primeval energy and spirit of Nature provide your consciousness and your organic form with natural vitality and  harmony of spirit that are not accessible in our urban centers. “ 

- John P. Milton, “Sky Above, Earth Below”

Please enjoy this short inspirational video:
The John P. Milton Legacy Project

We now confront the evolutionary necessity of a quantum leap in human consciousness -  a dynamic and beautiful convergence of urgency and divine timing is arising to manifest this powerful project, which can bring the Way of Nature teachings to the world, intertwined with John's astonishing life story.


Time is of the Essence 

We are seeking immediate funding to implement plans to capture on film all of John’s ongoing teachings, beginning with a special Way of Nature Immersion for longtime students and close allies to be held in August of this year at the beautiful Sacred Land Sanctuary in Crestone, Colorado. 

We propose to have a professional film crew on hand to record the Master Teacher in his natural home environment, as well as to record extensive interviews with John and his partners and students, including footage of this dazzling wilderness and the history of the sacred haven. The footage will eventually be integrated into the documentary, and will be immediately used to create a professional “sizzle reel” to accompany the documentary proposal to be shared with major platforms and production companies (we already have an expression of interest from a major platform).

In addition to helping us create a high-impact documentary on John's astonishing life, your contributions will also support our efforts to complete John's biography which is being developed in tandem with the documentary.

 Your contributions to the JOHN P. MILTON LEGACY PROJECT will go directly to fund this essential project. Deep gratitude for your support!

For More Information about The John P. Milton Legacy Project,

Contact Executive Producer, Eleni Anna-Sophia:

[email protected]


Your contributions through this PayPal link to the Way of Nature LLC will go directly to fund The John P. Milton Legacy Project.

Deep gratitude for your support!


We are delighted to share with you the attached Introduction of

The John P. Milton Legacy Project:

Download - Introduction to the Legacy Project

The urgency of this moment gives us a precious opportunity to ensure that the wisdom of the Way of Nature is given a durable foundation, so that it may not only help heal the world in our current crisis but may be passed to future generations.Â